Script Sistem Informasi Akademin Penilaian Siswa Dengan Php Mysql
Script Sistem Informasi Akademin Penilaian Siswa Dengan Php Mysql Tutorial
PreviewPDF - Published Version AbstractValue is the data that is very important for students and parents of students, and also for the school. For Parents is a reference result of the success of their children while studying at school. So necessary to the accuracy and the value of the data to the original. Until now at Vocational High School 2 Sragen processing of still using manually by copying data values from the teachers' lesson and copied back to the homeroom teacher on paper called Report Card. Because the use of paper in the form of hardfile, the report card is still vulnerable to water, or lost.
Thus causing the value of data loss. Therefore the school is still difficulty in processing value, despite being organized but still not optimal. This leads to less efficient in the search of the students, update student grades, as well as the lack of value of information to the parents or guardians of students so that they do not know the extent to which the development of students in the school.
Therefore, it needs to be made that the information system is able to overcome these problems. Then be made to the value system of information processing with php, mysql with web based sms gateway in SMKN 2 Sragen. With the value of processing information system is expected to speed up the assessment process in SMKN2 Sragen, so be fast, organized and more efficient. Keywords: Web, Processing System Academic Value, SMKN2 Sragen Item Type:Thesis (Other)Subjects:Divisions:Depositing User:Date Deposited:22 Apr 2014 06:59Last Modified:22 Apr 2014 06:59URI:Actions (login required)View Item.
SiAkademikSiAkademik is an system information that can be used by school or other to help them manage their data academic.
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