Monster Rancher Special Cds
Special CDs called pandora discs can produce multiple monsters. Often, the Monster Rancher game CD itself is a pandora disc. In Monster Rancher Advance and Monster Rancher Advance 2, the system generates random monsters by using character sequences rather than CDs. Monster Rancher 3 Monster List October 27, 2001. Monster Rancher 3, like previous installments of the series, features the ability to discover monsters on all kinds of discs.Here is a large, but by no means exhaustive, list of monsters that can be generated from discs you have lying around the house.
(Unlockable)CD- 3 Doors Down: Better Life? (Unlockable)CD- Crazy Town: Gift of Game? (Unlockable)CD- Union: Blue Room?
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Monster Rancher Tv Show
(Unlockable)DVD- Fight Club (Disk 1)? (Unlockable)DVD- Fight Club (Disk 2)? (Unlockable)DVD- Matrix? (Unlockable)DVD- ScarfaceAngelCD- Airheads SoundtrackAngelDVD- Monty Pythons FlyingCircus Vol.6AnubisDVD- Happy GilmoreArmadirollerDVD- Beyond the MatArmadirollerDVD- Gone in 60 SecondsAspisCD- Megadeth: World Needs a HeroAvalancheCD- Mr. Hanky Christmas ClassicsAvalancheDVD- Close Encounters of the ThirdKind (Disk 1)AvalancheDVD- DogmaAvalancheDVD- When Good Ghouls Go BadBaksheeshCD- Waynes World 2 SoundtrackBaksheeshPSOne- DarkstoneBakuCD- Weird Al Yancovich: RunningWith ScissorsBambiimewCD- Lynnard Skynnard: Essentials(Disk 1)BambiimewDVD- Unbreakable (Disk 1)BearrollerCD- WWF the Music: 5BiansnowCD- Staind: Break the CycleBreezaDVD- Monty Pythons FlyingCircus Vol.5CactunCD- Queensryche: Hear In the NowFrontierCarameDVD- South Park Vol. 1CoconutCD- Lynnard Skynnard: Essentials(Disk 2)CoconutCD- WWF AgresssionColorpandoraCD- Me First and the GimmieGimmies: Blow in the WindColorPandoraCD- Saliva: Every Six SecondsColorpandoraDVD- American Pie(Unrated)ColorpandoraDVD- Saving Silverman(PG-13)ColorpandoraPS2- NBA StreetColorpandoraPSOne- Bushido BladeColorpandoraPSOne- KISS PinballColtanCD- Saturday Morning CartoonsCoralCD- Metallica: S&M (Disk 2)DakkungCD- Trixter: TrixterDakkungDVD- Monty Python Vol.